distribution, courses, articles and interviews
distribution: where to find, buy, and see her works?
Originally from Rouen, Marie Casaÿs has been working in Paris since 2015. She specializes in the illustration of nudes and portraits using colored pencils on paper, inspired by photographs.
articles and interviews
Sensual Draughtswoman
The Bodies of Marie Casaÿs
Marie Casaÿs draws bodies like no one else. By combining sensuality and softness, her illustrations of nudes and portraits transport us into a cushioned world with gradients of colors. Meeting with an artist with a sacred gift for drawing.
Sour eroticism
Beyond being true little candy for the eyes, the illustrations of Marie Casaÿs reveal a genuine discourse on female eroticism. We therefore wanted to ask her a few questions…
We found the hottest spicy sauce of the summer
It's hot too in our plates.
In her terribly erotic drawings, Marie Casaÿs advocates for the diversity of bodies
The illustrator Marie Casaÿs frees bodies and brings new representations.
Go Girls
Portraits and testimonies of women, trans and non-binary people in the cultural field. Stop sexism. #gogirls
I chatted with... Marie Casaÿs
" Independent illustrator and graphic designer, Marie Casaÿs celebrates shapes and bodies with her colored pencils. Curious as always, I wanted to learn more about her inspirations, her techniques, and her latest news! "
Gender free and body positive: the revolutionary pencil illustrations of Marie Casaÿs
Art - The erotic softness of Marie Casaÿs’ pastels
Event: Le Bouli du lundi - exhibition Marie Casaÿs
Marie Casaÿs : becoming an erotic illustrator
- 6:17 PM, time to listen to a podcast -
In this new episode, it's the erotic illustrator Marie Casaÿs who shares her journey with us.
Marie Casaÿs, face and buttocks
A sensual stroke of the pencil and a passionate lover of eroticism, bodies, buttocks, and tattoos.
What is the status of censorship in France? (subscriber article)
Marie Casaÿs: a talented artist and a beautiful encounter.
practical information
For any questions or project/collaboration proposals,
you can send an email to hello@mariecasays.com or contact the artist on Instagram @mariecasays
(if it's urgent, the email will be more effective). Thank you!